Regional Award in fine arts and study of art named after Olexander
Osmerkin was founded by Kirovohrad Regional Council (Resolution ¹ 409, April 19, 2005)
on application of Kirovohrad Regional Organization of the National Union of artists of
The Award is given for:
• significant achievements in fine arts and creation of
impressive works of art in different genres of fine arts (painting, graphic arts,
sculpture, monumental art, theatrical-decorating art) that strengthen national tradition,
preserve the foundations of classical art, introduce new forms in fine arts, adapted to
the present, are created on a high professional level and have received wide public
recognition in Kirovograd region and beyond;
• considerable art or historical investigation of the
development of fine arts in Kirovograd region, promotion and consolidation of the
achievements of our region;
• considerable contribution to the development of art
education, creation of original art-educational programs and their introduction in
educational establishments of the region.
The award is established in three nominations: "national
tradition", "modern tendencies", "study and history of arts".
Annually on December 8, Olexander Osmerkin's birthday, in the memorial museum of the
artist winners are awarded the title of "Laureate of Regional Award in fine arts and
study of art named after Olexander Osmerkin", they also receive diplomas of standard
form, pecuniary reward, honorary prize of Regional Council and Regional State
Administration - statuette of "Steppe eagle".
Nominates for receiving Regional Award in fine art and study of
art named after Olexander Osmerkin in 2016 according to the decision of the jury from
November 14, 2016 were assigned:
in nomination "national tradition"
YAKOVLEVA Larysa Arkadiivna (born 1946),
Kropyvnytskyi – painter, teacher at the Department of Fine Art of Kirovohrad Children’s
School of Arts, graduated from Odessa State Art College named after M.Hrekov (1968), Lviv
Printing University named after Ivan Fedorov, now Ukrainian Printing Academy (1982),
participant of regional and national art exhibitions – for creative work of different
years, which strengthen traditions of the national fine art. Candidacywas nominated for
the award by the council of Kirovohrad Regional Organization of the National Union of
artists of Ukraine.
ACHKASOVA Maria Vladyslavivna (born 1987),
Yuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv region – painter, member of the National Union of artists of
Ukraine (2014), graduated from Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after
Volodymyr Vynnychenko, the Department of Art (2010), participant of regional, national and
international art exhibitions – for creative work of different years, that introduce
principles of Ukrainian national traditions and traditional genres of fine art.
Candidacywas nominated for the award by Public union of cultural projects “Era”
(Yuzhnoukrainsk, Mykolaiv region). Exhibition of works of M.Achkasova was being exhibited
in Exhibition hall of Kirovohrad Regional Organization of the National Union of artists of
Ukraine, Art Gallery and Shop, Kropyvnytskyi, Hoholia Str. 91/46.
In nomination “modern tendencies”
OSTROUKHOV Volodymyr Ivanovych (born 1947),
Kropyvnytskyi – painter, graduated from Krasnodar State Art College (1974), participant
of regional, all-Union, all_ukrainian and international art exhibitions - for creative
works and experimental innovations in fien art of our region. Candidacywas nominated for
the award bythe council of Kirovohrad Regional Organization of the National Union of
artists of Ukraine.
In nomination "study and history of arts"
BOSA Iryna Oleksandrivna (born 1984), Kyiv –
head of the research department of the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine (Kyiv),
graduated from Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after VolodymyrVynnychenko,
the Department of Art (2006), graduate course in Institute of Study of Art, Folklore and
Ethnology named after M.Rylskyi of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, specialty “study
of art” (2014) –for preparation of illustrated publication of dictionary and reference
book “Artists of steppe Ukraine”. Candidacywas nominated for the award by resolution
of methodological council of the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine (Kyiv).
AVDIEIEV Anatolii Mykolaiovych (born 1953),
Kropyvnytskyi – deputy head of Kirovohrad regional organization “Association of Polish
journalists” named after Karol Szymanowski, member of the editorial board of the
magazine “Museums of Ukraine”, graduated from Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural
Engineering, now the National Technical University of Central Ukraine (1976) – for
preparation of the series of articles that cover cultural and art life of Kirovohrad
region. Candidacywas nominated for the award by the meeting of Kirovohrad regional
organization “Association of Polish journalists” named after Karol Szymanowski and
seconded by the editorial board of the magazine “Museums of Ukraine”.
TSUKANOV Mykola Mykolaiovych (born 1957),
Kropyvnytskyi – owner of a private gallery “Elysavethrad”, Merited member of the
National Union of artists of Ukraine (2015), graduated from Moscow Forestry Engineering
Institute (1984), Kirovohrad Law Institute of Kharkiv National University of Internal
Affairs (2008) – for preparation of the editions “Remedy for depression”, “Provincial
gallery” and a series of albums “Palette of steppe region”.Candidacywas nominated
for the award by the resolution of methodological council of Kirovohrad Regional Art
Creative works of I.Bosa, A.Avdieiev and M.Tsukanov were exhibited in the department of
Kirovohrad Regional Art Museum – Picture gallery of Petr Osovskyi “World and
Motherland”, Kropyvnytskyi, Velyka Perspektyvna Str. 60.
Exposition of paintings and
graphic works by L.Yakovleva from the personal exhibition “Romantic palette of Larysa
Yakovleva”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary, and paintings of V.Ostroukhov, the
majority of which are from the series “Old town”, created during the last two years
within the framework of joint art project of the gallery “Elisavethrad” (owner
M.Tsukanov) and the author are exhibited in the halls of O.O.Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museum.
The works brightly reflect creative style of each painter. |