At the
beginning of 2017 O.O.Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museum received a unique gift – a book by a
famous Russian artist Raisa Mykolaivna Zelinska-Plate “Among chemists and artists.
Diaries of my life”, published in Moscow in 2011. The book compilers are the artist’s
sons – chemist, academician, vice-president Russian Academy of Sciences Mykola
Alfredovych Plate and journalist international, expert in Chinese language and culture
Feliks Alfredovych Plate, who sent the book by post. The museum staff is infinitely
grateful for this.
In the chapter “At the Osmerkinth” R.M.Zelinska-Plate (1910-2011) – a
daughter of a prominent chemist M.D.Zelinskyi, rather warmly and cordially writes about
her teacher and friend O.O.Osmerkin, about the dramatic events during his last years of
life, about his wife Nadia Heorhiivna – an initiator of foundation of the memorial
museum of the painter in his natite town in the house where he had spent his childhood and
It is rather symbolic to receive such a book which contains reminiscences about professor
of painting O.O.Osmerkin whose 125th anniversary will be this year.
Works of R.M.Zelinska are kept in O.O.Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museum. The
museum received them to its collection from Russian Fund of culture in 1994 before the
museum opening. Also some of the works were presented to the museum by the painter herself
during the meetings with the museum staff. |